Mr. Mendeecess Harris joined Yandy Smith on Love & Hip New York this season , as the cute, thugged out, boyfriend, baby daddy a few weeks back. Before the show was even underway Mendeecees was accused of some serious legal accusations involving sexual assault. For weeks I held my breathe wanting this whole story not to be true, but still realizing that sexual assault against children is popular and very real. As a woman I wanted Yandy to step up and tell us what she thought. For weeks she kept completely quiet, until today. Read what she had to say, and what she felt behind the whole ordeal. FINALLY.
To My Supporters,
The past few weeks have been some of the hardest days, hours, and minutes of my life. I found myself torn between a man that I know and love, and an accusation that makes me sick to my stomach. I hoped and prayed that someone I loved so dearly could not be guilty of such a disgusting and shameful act… I hoped, but I did NOT assume.
I chose to stay silent until I was able to hear both sides and form my own opinion. I went to court every single day; I listened intently to the case from both sides ready to face whatever truth was revealed.
In the end, the truth is Mendeecees Harris may be many things, but he is NOT guilty of the heinous accusations made against him. I won’t get into much detail because at the other side of this is a young woman that regardless of the outcome, remains broken. I pray that she is able to move past this and realize her full potential and I pray that the world is able to accept that in this case justice was served.
As a woman, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and a human being, it breaks my heart when I hear of crimes committed against children. There is nothing worse than offenses against those whose lives are so precious and who look to us to guide them and help them understand the world. Children that are abused are robbed of their innocence, their childhoods, and their self-esteem. They’re robbed of their optimism and dreams and forced to see the evils of the world before they can see the beauty.
My life has been and will continue to be devoted to empowering women and helping young women to aspire to accomplish and go after their dreams and because of this, I would never knowingly or willingly support or condone any behavior contrary to the very things I stand for. I am so thankful to the people who supported us and stood by our side through what was an extremely overwhelming and challenging time…
…To those of you who have supported me, prayed for me, and did not pass judgement, I want to say THANK YOU. Your prayers and support have helped me through a very difficult time. I have worked very hard to build a reputation based on hard work, loyalty, and perseverance. The faith, values and ethics that got me to this point in my life are stronger now than ever before. My personal life has been a roller-coaster this year, filled with highs and lows, and I’d be lying if I say I have it all figured out. I don’t. I’m giving it up to God and I’m leaving it up to him to guide me in the right direction as he’s done many times before. In the meantime I’m going to focus on what I do best, business. After all, they don’t call me a “Hustlapreneur” for nothing.
With Love
Yandy Smith
Girl keep your eyes open, and stay in prayer. I say this all the time use discernment. Your spirit will tell you about people, whether you want to listen is totally up to you, but your spirit will tell you the truth. We love you Yandy, and wish you the best!!!
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