With my strict upbringing I knew there would not be too many late night studio sessions with any producers but I continued to pursue music quietly. By the time I entered college, I realized I wanted a career and not so much to chase after a dream that at the time I felt could or could not happen. By my senior year in college I started doing different internships at major labels including Sony Music and Universal Music that eventually landed me a job at Atlantic Records.
After years in the industry and not really feeling like I was in the heart of the industry as I wanted to be I decided to remain in entertainment but in different arenas. Music, television, radio has remained a true passion for me. I continued to pray that one day that opportunities would grow where I would be in the center of it all. Once media began to expand into myspace, facebook, and twitter to name a few I realized I could be as close to media as I wanted to be.
I started this blog because I realized how many times a day I was actually running through blogs, celebrity websites crazed for the next details of the people I love in reality tv, music, and television. We do this all the time at home, in shops, and even on the street with complete strangers. I decided the thing that I craved for the most was now at my fingertips and I was going to be part of the story. I hope people are engaged and interested in the material that I find worthy of updating them with. I care about how America views African Americans and especially how us women are viewed so most of my material is geared towards upliftment, love, and progression. I try to keep it fun, but I try to make it respectful.
Please feel free to state your opinions because I definitely try to bring you juiciest news and state my own. Of course sometimes I may say things that people don't agree with or may even upset people but as long as I stay authentic and respectful I know that there's room for growth. I am not a journalist but I love to report the the news.
To contact Linboogie:
Email: linboogie@gmail.com
Twitter: lypservice
Instagram: l_y_pservice_blogger
'To God Be All The Glory'
Unchangeable Rules To Live By!
1. What's in the dark, will eventually come to the light if you do not correct it. 2. When someone shows you who they are believe them. 3. Everyone is different with different people, don't compare yourself to anyone. 4. You can't make anyone love you, it's usually an instant knowing from spirit if someone will end up with you. 5. Friendship is a special word that should be disegnated to certain people. 6. Spiritual laws, cannot defeat natural laws, or vice versa. 7. Time does heal all things, and you will look back and laugh. 8. Your pain will turn into your purpose, that is how it is Godly designed. 9. Try, try, try to live one day at a time. Stay in the moment.