Nothing celebrates Black love like Ebony doing three covers on some of our favorite Black couples. Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey, Carmelo and La La Anthony and David and Tamela Mann each have snagged covers for the February issue, and I can't wait to read. Get some tidbit's on how their love has lasted so long.
Mariah and Nick on love and marriage:
It was early on when I found out how spiritual she was, and we had conversations about kids and how to live life. For her to share these values, it instantly let me know this is the person I’ve always wanted. -Nick Cannon
Having babies definitely strengthened our bond because all the love that you have for each other is manifested into these two incredible beings. –Mariah Carey"
Lala and Melo on their relationship:
There were people coming in and out of my life, and I didn’t really know whom to trust. She was one of the people who stood by my side through thick and thick. Even to this day, she’s always right there. -Carmelo Anthony
We knew no matter what, we wanted each other. We needed [to be] in each other’s life, and that’s what’s been able to sustain this relationship all those years. -La La Anthony
David and Tamela on how they maintain the passion in their relationship:
Stay in love because when you’re in love, it covers a multitude of fault. Our relationship wasn’t based on good sex or having a lot of money. It was based on just straight friendship. That’s what has kept us. –David Mann "
I pray and ask God to keep my heart and my eyes burning only for David Mann. I speak his name in my prayers, because I want the desire to stay, so when he touches me, I get chills. –Tamela Mann
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Nia Long is no stranger in our eyes, and actually we've all been secretly adoring this beautiful Black actress for years. Her beautiful brown skin, and natural acting skills warmed our hearts in various movies such as Showtime’s House of Lies, Love Jones and Are We There Yet?, Well now Nia will grace our movie screens this week again in the sequel 'Best Man Holiday' and in Huffington Post she talks about what it has meant to be a Black actress in Hollywood!
It’s tough, because it’s Hollywood. It’s tough, because we’re women. It’s tough, because we’re not in our 20s.
It’s tough no matter how you look at it. I’m not one of these people who walks around and goes ‘Oh my God, it’s soo hard being a black actress,’ but this business is hard. It’s hard behind the scenes, in front of the scenes; black, white, whatever it is, it is an industry that there’s a quick turnover. There’s always someone younger, more talented, and more beautiful.
She added:
But you just try to create a career that has balance. So that you keep yourself relevant, preserve your youth and your beauty, so that you have other things outside of the business that define you and your not waiting for someone to pick you because that will make you crazy.
I think there is something to be said about being vulnerable. I think there is something to be said for being a professional woman but also allowing love and vulnerability to enter into your life to create more balance and I think thats’s Jordan’s journey in this film.
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Were you guys feeling Tamar Braxton's look in the October Ebony Magazine Cover. Tamar is a pretty woman, and it was nice to see her bare faced for a change. In the article for the magazine Tamar discussed all cute things about baby boy Logan, and how motherhood has really been treating her. She also talks bout how hard it was for her to get pregnant and how she struggled with infertility, and then getting pregnant, and still being fearful. I think Tamar talks about a lot of things most women are afraid to discuss. Check it out....
So happy, Oprah Winfrey's OWN Network has finally gotten off the ground. Sometimes in life all you need is the help of other people to propel you forward. This issue of O Magazine, Oprah unleashes her natural mane, and talks about the uphill climb of the network, that is now making money, and doing well. Do you think Oprah's mane is all real? This issue of O, is all things hair! Check out the interview below.
On her hair:
I wanted to wear it close-cropped a la Camille Cosby but her husband Bill convinced me otherwise. ‘Don’t do it,’ he said. ‘You’ve got the wrong head shape and you’ll disappoint yourself.’ I took his advice.”
I even notice a change in my dogs when they get their summer cuts: they’re friskier and livelier, feeling more themselves once the weight of the hair is released.
On the success of OWN Network:
What a difference a year makes. When you’re in a foxhole, you hafta surround yourself with people who can help out. We did. I said it was a huge clim and now we are having fun. We are making money, we are really in the business and doing very well. So I’m happy about that.
Tamar Braxton is letting the world finally see little Logan this month in US Weekly. Tamar has admitted publicly that the mommy feeling didn't quite kick in right away for her, and that when Logan refused to nurse, she wondered was she the right mommy! Typical Tamar right. How many women would actually admit that? Check out the very honest article below!
On how she felt about her newborn?
I loved him, you know. But I wasn’t like ‘oh, gosh, yes my baby, ooh,’ you know. It wasn’t that. It was more like what do I do now, you know? I guess in a sense I did feel unattached because you know, I really, really wanted to connect with him because I wanted to breast-feed. And when he didn’t latch on and when I couldn’t produce milk I just felt like, ‘Is this the wrong child?’ You know what I mean? ‘Am I the wrong mother?’ When he finally latched on I felt like he got me and I got him and this was all meant to be.
She continues:
You’re in shock. And you know, it took me a few days to really, like, come to terms with the fact that I am a mom and this is my baby.
On changing diapers:
Well you know, I was questioning my motherhood. … Like, is this a mistake that God made? Or like, is this something that I need to hand over to my husband because he and the baby connected instantly. And I wanted that. And I guess I was a little jealous, pretty much. Am I being really honest here? I guess I am.
On how she feels right now?
I am very happy. I feel complete … he is the best thing that ever happened to me.
At that point, I knew my life would never be the same. I knew the world was going to laugh at me and be mean and nasty and blame me for everything. But I had no choice. I had to go to the hospital.
I get e-mails every single day from women who are still with their abusive partner and they’re like, ‘I need help.’
Tony was talking to me about soul ties, and I felt like I needed to cut that cord [with Johnson]. I wanted to do things differently, to start over. I’m still going to be Evelyn, but I have a different vision of my life.
I’m not going to blame VH1—whatever I put out there, I put out there. When we were in the middle of an argument, I wasn’t thinking, ‘Maybe this is going to be hurtful.’ I was thinking, ‘You’re not gonna beat me in this argument!’On the public reaction that she somehow provoked her husband’s abusive behavior:
“A lot of people connected my previous actions on the show to this. If they were talking about the incident on the news, there would be a clip of me acting a fool on Basketball Wives. I never lifted a finger at him.”
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“[It] was so difficult to deal with when it was airing and when it was all over with. I remember saying, ‘what the hell just happened? This isn’t us; we’re mothers, we’re businesswomen. We have to be smarter. We have to represent ourselves a lot better.”
– Shaunie
“People were connecting my behavior on the show with the incident with Chad. They were like, ‘Well if she acts like that on the show, then I’m sure she acts like that at home.’ I’m a totally different person at home.”– Evelyn
I was very depressed last summer. I was dealing with some things that were going on with my mother and everything that was happening with the backlash from the show. I started eating everything under the sun. I blew up to about 190-ish pounds. I’m a tall girl, so I wear it well, but I was bordering between [size] 14 and 16 in my clothes.– Tami
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By the time we did the [season four] reunion we all agreed enough is enough. We had a group talk and were all definitely on the same page. We heard the messages– Shaunieloud and clear. We knew we had to do better. It was an eye opener.”
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Upscale Magazine
I’m not going to front. I’m not a lover, I’m a fighter. I will forget that I am Hollywood and get Holly-hood [Laughs].
But a lot of gossip is just rumors since you’re so private.
I was always a private person. My business is my business. I have a small group of friends, and I just like the simple things out of life. My privacy is something that I value. I’m also socially awkward.No way. Really?
Yeah. I get nervous in large crowds. I’m approachable though because I’m just like you. I just have a different job.With you being a private person and all, when you got pregnant, what was going through your mind?
The public was the last thought. Most of my thoughts were on my family and inner circle. It was mostly how is this affecting Lauren as a person and is Lauren ready to completely put herself to the side and be a mother. My priorities were changing. My career was last. Before ATL, people didn’t know about me. I auditioned for ATL and no one cared who I was. I was a regular girl in L.A. who auditioned and got the role. No one knew I was doing it and I did it. No one gave me that. I did that. They can’t take what they didn’t give. God has the last say, so I just trust that. Is it an uphill battle? Yes. But isn’t everything? I’m not starving.Family – you were worried about how they would take it?
Well, you know, it’s another human being in the world. That affects everybody, and one thing I learned about life is that your choices don’t just affect you, it affects everybody connected to you.
“I feel like I barely survived Django emotionally. The violence. Hearing the N-word every day. It cost me a lot psychologically, but it was worth it to tell that story.”
“I didn’t realize…when I was auditioning for the role. I knew that in my lifetime I’d never seen it. But it didn’t compute to me that I’d be making history. I just fell in love with the character.”
“The story lines…push what’s possible. But there are stories on the news that change what we think is possible all the time. You hear about a governor who’s disappeared into the Appalachian trail because he has a South American lover, or somebody else’s behavior on Twitter. I mean, if you want to look at presidents having affairs—there are about four I can think of off the top of my head.”
“I haven’t wanted to ask the president his opinion of the show. But I have lots of friends in the administration who love it. We make D.C. look sexy and exciting.”
“I’m a goofy person. That’s how I ended up in Peeples. Tyler Perry saw me joking around…and said, ‘I had no idea you were this silly.”
[Although she won an acting scholarship to attend George Washington University, she majored in sociology and anthropology. “I wanted to study people. I thought I would either teach or be a shrink.”
Read more: Necole Kerry Washington Covers Parade: ‘I Barely Survived Django Emotionally’
From the moment Miss Tahiry Jose has stepped on the set of Love & Hip: New York, it’s been nothing but loud mouthing, checking folks, and sometimes keeping it all the way 100%. Tahiry is most importantly known for her on and off again relationship with Joe Budden. Even though Tahiry is an attractive woman those most eye popping feature on her by for has been the shape of her behind. Tahiry did an interview with VH1 recently to explain how she ended up fighting with Kaylin, Joe Budden's current on and off again girlfriend ,and why Joe Budden is still in her life. Last week we watched the reunion show where Tahiry kept it classy, but still giving us the attitude that makes her saucy. Check out the interview below:
VH1: Let’s start with the music. What’s up with “Devil?”
Tahiry: The single is out on iTunes now. The video was just released yesterday. I’m really happy, really proud. It’s going very well. I’m about to gear up for the second record. Due to filming I’ve been traveling.
VH1: What was it like starring in your own video opposed to being in other people’s video?
Tahiry: I’m always a little pumped so I was nervous, which is always a great sign because I dream big. I can be kind of scared at times. I just jump out the window and do whatever my heart desires, but it was an amazing experience. I had to make all the decisions and it was just surreal, like this was my video. I didn’t really think five years ago I’d be the star of my own stuff.
VH1: Is the music something you wanted to do before the show?
Tahiry: Music was something I was doing before the show, before I even signed a contract. I wanted to express myself. Me sitting down with the writers and just discussing life and also watching myself get better as time went by. So the first day I walked into that booth I was like “Sh–!” I came out with a new found respect for artist. All you see is the lifestyle, the money, the girls, the traveling, but you don’t see the work. I just kept going back and getting better. So with that I fell in love with the process.
VH1: So what’s up with you and Joe?
Tahiry: What is up with Joe and I?
VH1: Yes, the real!
Tahiry: Well right now we’re taking it a day at a time. It’s kind of like we’re meeting each other all over again. We’re chilling. We tied up in a little box [with] everything that happened in the past and sent it away; and now we’re like kind of reintroducing ourselves.
VH1: The last time you came into the VH1 office you slipped up and said Joe had been stopping by. What is up with him and Kaylin?
Tahiry: I don’t know what’s up with Joey and Kaylin. I did hear that he… well I didn’t hear… we try not to speak… I have to respect… Even in certain conversations when you ask certain things I have to respect that that’s their relationship and that’s their business. I know what I need to know which is that they’re not together any longer. But Joey’s been stopping by no matter what relationship he’s in, he just pops up. It never changes.
VH1: Do you regret mushing Kaylin?
Tahiry: See what had happened was… I’m not proud of the way I act sometimes, but it’s a reaction. If you’re in my space I’m going to protect myself. All I saw was hair and somebody running after me out the corner of my eye.
VH1: A lot of people felt bad for Kaylin.
Tahiry: Y’all could eat that sh– if you want. All this damsel in distress bulls—. Because I have a big mouth and I’m loud all of a sudden I’m the aggressor? See I don’t like that sh–. She ain’t that innocent when she doing them threesomes with a d— in her mouth.
VH1: So she was running up to you?
Tahiry: No she was running, you can see the run. You did see me when I turned back and snuffed. But she was coming, so you’re coming I have my back towards you, I turn around and your right here, that’s what’s going to happen. I was wrong for reacting, but was I going to allow somebody to grab me from the back? No.
VH1: Do you have an issue with her still?
Tahiry: No I don’t have an issue with her, and I didn’t have an issue before then. I didn’t have an issue after it happened because she came out of pocket, and like I said, if you’re in my space I’m going to react. I’m human. Am I proud of me exuding violence or whatever it is on TV? Absolutely not. But chances are in real life you roll up on me like that and we just had a heated argument, I’m going to defend myself. I’m small. [laughs]
VH1: What do you think about Joey’s reaction to the whole situation?
Tahiry: Well, again, Joey see’s what happened. As a man he was supposed to just tell Kaylin chill out, Tahiry chill out and control the situation and never let it get that far. He didn’t. and then after I snuffed his girlfriend by mistake he comes running after me again. But that’s expected.
Mona Scott-Young interviews with "The Breakfast Club" to talk all things reality, and how things are really done. Are things scripted? Is this negative towards Black woman?
Find out!
Some would think a woman with such a past would be a statistic today but no, she survived and has used her pain to give us some real in your face music.
Musically Darnaa is new, fresh, honest, unfiltered, and visually beautiful. One of the most compelling tracks on her album is "Runaway" where Darnaa tells her story through song of her struggles and pains. Most of her songs tell tales of what she really feels, and what she has learned. "Runaway" was initially released in ten cities, climbing as high as #2 in North Carolina station WRSV-M and into the top 40 in six of the ten cities. It is currently the #1 Indie Top 50 in Digital Radio Plays. One of the qualities I admire about Darnaa is her undying honesty, and unfiltered realness. Check out what we chatted about?
I haven't seen this diva in a minute, but Vivica A. Fox is still doing it. After twenty five years in the business she talks about how she’s maneuvered and what she’s learned in Unleash’d Magazine. Vivica recently signed off for 90 episodes of Mr. Box Office, playing a sexy teacher. Nice.
I am so excited for Tamara Braxton and Vince Herbert's new announcement that they are having a baby. How did she keep that a secret, and hiding it till the final trimester. Tamar shares in an interview with why she decided to wait on telling the public. Tamar also says that this baby was very unexpected as last season they were having fertility issues, and had put four babies in storage, as she used to say. Sometimes it's all on God's timing not ours.
We decided [not to announce the pregnancy] until we were both really okay with it — that’s why we waited,” the youngest Braxton said in an interview with People. “Vince and I [were] told we were going to have fertility problems — it was a lot of information — so we had to get comfortable with the fact that it happened on its own.”
Now that the news is out, Tamar is flaunting her baby bump all around town and she says she’s in a really good place. “I think I sing better right now. My vocal chords are really, really healthy maybe because I’m not having cocktails,” she said. “I’m singing all the time and not having anything spicy. No acid reflux! I’m in a good place.”
The 35-year-old went on to say that her sisters are helping her adjust to life as a new mommy-to-be. “My sisters are making me feel more maternal because they’re crazy. They’re giving me advice on how to be a mother and be pregnant,” she said. “They always have a comment about my shoes, what am I wearing, what am I eating, you need to put your feet up and I’m just like, ‘I’m fine!’ They’re too much.”
I have been feeling Mary J. Blije lately. It's not because she has put anything new out since her last album but because I can appreciate a legend. After twenty years in the business, Mary is still someone I want to know about. I'm crossing my fingers for a reality show for her. Her story continues to unfold as a bad girl, who broke the chains, is now a Christian, and a music legend. This month Mary covers the Feb/ March issue of Vibe Magazine and speaks truthfully about Rihanna, and things she's still learning. Catch a few highlights below:
On the Current State of R&B
“I am so proud of what Rihanna is doing. She is speaking to her generation, and she’s living her life in front of them. I don’t even think she is purposely doing it. She’s such a beautiful girl, and I don’t think she knows she’s that beautiful. She’s just living her life, and leading her generation, and she has great, great songs.”
On People Giving Rihanna a Hard Time Because of Chris Brown
“They give her a hard time because she’s living her life. As long as she’s having fun and isn’t three minutes from shooting herself, good! I want her to be happy. That’s impressive to me. And I love her songs.”
On There Being Moments Where She’s Been Off Course
“There are always moments like that. If you’re not confident in yourself, you’re going to waver. I’ve wavered and I’ve lost. It’s all in the history books. When you’ve had a high of success and then you find yourself chasing, you lose. If you don’t have the patience with yourself to do right by you, you lose. That’s a constant battle.”
On When She Feels Most Beautiful
“When I’m made up and dressed and my heart is good and I feel happy. I’m not going to lie and say I feel beautiful when I have on a hair scarf and I’m running to the gym. I feel confident, but beautiful? That’s on the red carpet.”
On When Her Husband Thinks She’s Most Beautiful
“When I’m running to the gym [laughs]. Less is more, I guess. He always tells me, ‘You don’t need all that stuff.’”
On Her Style Being Softer Now
“I’ve evolved, I’m a woman now, and I’ve softened. I’ve been a tomboy my whole life. But then you get older, you get married, you soften up.”;
Tiny will be joined by Tamar Braxton (from WE tv’s Tamar & Vince), rapper Trina and TV personality Claudia Jordan. The female foursome will be chatting about all the politics, entertainment, fashion and celebrity relationships that went down in 2012. talks with the petite reality star about the special.
EBONY: Why a talk-show special? You’ve been talking about this for a while now.
Tiny: It was just an idea that I’ve been talking about doing for a long, long time with my good friend, Tamar Braxton. We wanted to do a talk show and make it young and youthful. I’m just so happy that VH1 was open to the process.
EBONY: The premiere show is a special, right?
Tiny: Yes. The first show will be a recap of 2012. We’ll be talking about all of the big events that happened in the year.
EBONY: How did you prepare yourself to get into talk-show hostess mode?
Tiny: I studied. They would send me notes on what’s going on, and we would pitch in and talk about what we wanted to talk about on the show. I just really did my homework. It was more like a real job for me. Doing this talk show was like, “Wow, this is what they do?!” I can’t even imagine doing it every day. There’s a lot of work that goes into it.
EBONY: So if the show gets picked up, how often will you do it?
Tiny: Probably once a week.
EBONY: You once told me that you’ve always been the go-to girl in your crew. You’re the advice giver. Will that be your role in this show?
Tiny: Yep. It’s still that way. I’m always giving out advice. People always come to me for that. And I keep it real too. On the show, you’re going to see us chatting as homegirls and hearing our input, our insight. And we are just laughing, we’re talking, we argue a little here and there, because everybody don’t agree. But we have fun, and that’s just what happens when ladies get together. You’re going to see a lot of funny moments in there, especially with the cast I have.;
With everything going on with Chris Brown these days, it's no wonder we all want to know more and more. With his love life a mystery, and arguments over twitter we can't keep up. Check out Chris Brown's interview with XXL, December 2012/ January 2013 edition.
This movie is going to be a gagger and I really cannot wait. Vibe has decided to change its tune up a bit and feature three wonderful actors one being the cute white guy Leonardo Dicaprio!....The three will play along side eachother in the upcoming filim Django Unchained, about slavery due out on December 25th . Check out the interview below featured on Necole
Jamie Foxx on his role as a slave turned gun-slinging bounty hunter:I imagined being an actress in this movie, and I felt the chill run up my spine of how difficult it must of been to relive this along side another white actor. This is going to be a powerhouse of riveting scenes, with Quenton Tarantino has the director please do yourself a favor and check it out.
Every two, three years there is a movie about the Holocaust because they want you to remember and they want you to be reminded of what it was. When was the last time you’ve seen a move about slavery? What we were doing was an acrobatic routine with the highest degree of difficulty. It’s a tough script to read. I had both my daughters come down to the plantation and I walked them through and said, “This is where your people come from. This is your background.
Kerry Washington on the film
This is not a doc. This is a Quentin Tarantino film. But I remember there was this one moment in the script where Jamie’s character was put in an awful crazy medieval metal mask. I said, “That’s some sick thing Quentin thought up.” And when I went to the production office to meet about my wardrobe, I saw into the research office. Twenty photos of real masks like that. It made me sad. I realized as much as my degrees and everything I’ve read on slave narratives [should have informed me], I didn’t even know that they wore masks like that, that people did that to us. It took a Tarantino movie for me to know that that’s not some crazy thing out of his imagination. That’s how it went down.
Leonardo Dicaprio on playing such a wicked character
For me, the initial thing obviously was playing someone so disreputable and horrible whose ideas I obviously couldn’t connect with on any level. I think it took me to places I didn’t even imagine. I remember our first read and it was hard for me to wrap my head around it. My initial response was “Do we need to go this far? Are we going too far?
[...] This is the first legit bad guy I’ve ever had to play, and it is a fucking horrible [character]; the worst display of humanity I’ve ever read in my entire life. Not even just because of who he was and the racism, but because he is just the most self-indulgent bastard I’ve ever read.
Jamie Foxx on the criticism the film received from blacks who objected the treatment of slavery after seeing the trailer
Put it this way: I completely understand what you’re saying. ‘Cause as black folks we’re always sensitive. As a black person it’s always racial. I come into this place to do a photo shoot and they got Ritz crackers and cheese. I’ll be like, ain’t this a b-tch. Y’all didn’t know black people was coming. What’s with all this white sh-t? By the same token, if there is fried chicken and watermelon I’ll say ain’t this a b-tch? So, no matter what we do as black people it’s always gonna be that. Every single thing in my life is built around race. I don’t necessarily speak it because you can’t.
Some of us don't know much about Alicia Keys and mostly it's because she's extremely guarded. She actually happens to feel comfortable being this way, to her some things should be left sacred. As she will be a releasing a new album " Girl On Fire" Alicia opens up to Complex Magazine about herself, and what some of us might not know.
On Her Song ‘Brand New Me’
“Don’t be mad that I’m different,” Alicia explains about the song. “Don’t be mad that I’m changed. Don’t be mad that I’m grown. You can’t affect me the way you once did. You can’t be mad. Like, how could you be mad?”
“My favorite part of that song is the bridge. The bridge says, ‘If you were a friend, you’d want to get to know me again/If you were worth the while, you’d be happy to see me smile/I’m not expectin’ sorry. I’m too busy finding myself.’ All of us have had that type of realization: ‘You don’t control me. You might have at one time, but you don’t anymore.’ I love that song so much. It’s so freaking real.”
On Being Guarded
“I mean, what the hell? The whole freaking world is looking at your s–t. It’s scary. I didn’t want to say every single thing because you don’t want people to know that. There’s personal and there’s public, and I deserve the right to have a personal space.”
On Feeling Caged vs. Feeling In Charge
“Becoming my new self, some people didn’t understand me anymore. Some people who I knew for years—we couldn’t be on the same page anymore. That’s OK because that’s part of growing, too. The hardest thing is to trust yourself, to know that what you’re feeling is valid. A lot of times we dismiss our feelings. I realized that I can trust myself and say, ‘No, I’m not comfortable with that.’ That was the toughest part. When I finally had the bravery to do that, that’s when I started to feel on fire.”
On Frank Ocean Coming Out
“That was super brave and I’m so glad that he wrote it,” she says. “He is the voice for so many people. We’re all boxed in to these stupid things that we’re taught is the way we’re supposed to be and it’s so ridiculous. There are so many people that need a champion to assure them that no matter who you are, you are a beautiful person. That doesn’t change the fact that you’re talented or intelligent. Thank God that we have come to this place where we can actually know and be more open to the fact that people come in all different ways. And that’s great because it’s a very boring world otherwise.”
On Staying Out of the Doghouse In A Relationship
“It’s real easy,” she says. “You stay outta the doghouse by not being a dog. You know what to do. That’s it. Life is real easy. You know what the key is? Honesty. OK, honesty isn’t easy. Honesty can be hurtful. It can be painful. It can be difficult. But honesty makes things easier. ’Cause then you don’t have to go back and do all types of other bulls–t. It’s just better. Trust me.”
On Naming Her Son Egypt
“I took an important trip for myself to Egypt. There were a lot of things that needed to change. I was not as experienced then, so I felt close to a breakdown. I went to Egypt, and I went alone. I sailed down the Nile and I saw the temples, the tombs, and the pyramids. It was powerful.” She adds with a laugh, “It was very Cleopatra.”
When we found out I was pregnant, my husband said, ‘Egypt was such an important time for you. That really changed your life.’ Wouldn’t that be amazing as a name?’ Once he said that, I was like, ‘Yes.’
Read more: Necole Alicia Keys Covers Complex: Dishes On Finding Herself, Being Guarded & “Brand New Me”
Tamera Mowry interviews with Ebony and talks about celibacy, marriage, and life!!!!
EBONY: Congratulations on your baby boy, Tamera! He’s due in October; that is so exciting! I know you’ve had a chance to watch Tia go through her pregnancy with [her son] Cree, so you’ve been able to know what to expect. But what has been the most surprising thing you’ve experienced while being pregnant?
TAMERA: Thank you! That’s a very good question because you go through a lot. But I guess I never really realized because I’m in my third trimester right now and the excess weight takes a toll on your body, your ankles, your knees. But positively, I never knew you could love something so much and he’s not even born yet. I never knew how excited I would become just when I see the ultrasound. That’s my way of seeing him and I love that and I can’t wait to meet him.
EBONY: Tia, you have this great new book out called “Oh, Baby!” in which you give women the inside scoop on the side of pregnancy that people and doctors don’t really prepare you for. How has motherhood changed you?
TIA: I’ve learned a lot about myself actually. I’ve learned how to be more patient. When you don’t have a child and you’re a hard worker who’s always on the go, you’re on a fast pace. But when you have a child you have to learn how to slow down and just be patient. My son gets me to enjoy the simple things in life. I really, enjoy just going to the park and spending an hour with him at the park now. At the park, I’m just another mommy hanging out with the other moms and watching our kids play and I love that.
EBONY: Tamera you mentioned in an interview that you and [your husband, Fox News Correspondent] Adam [Housley] not only didn’t live together, you also remained celibate until you married last year. Why did you choose that route and do you have any advice for your fans who are trying to follow in your footsteps in that regard?
TAMERA: Adam and I took a break from dating for about a year. We missed each other and something was drawing us together, but more than that, we wanted to make sure that this relationship was what God wanted for our lives. [In order to know] if we are meant to be together, we said, ‘it’s got to be God’s way and not our way.’ We didn’t want to half-step anything [or have clouded judgment]. So our right way was the way we felt God wanted us to do it which was being celibate. We said to God, ‘This is who we are, I know you take us as we are, our faults, our fears, our joys, our hope as a couple and have your way.’
I tried the ‘missionary dating’ [in the past] where you have a person with a great heart who you think is perfect and wonderful except for this one important area that you try to change. That’s unfair to that person. That person needs to be who they are 100%. And it’s unfair to you. You don’t want to drag somebody to church with you. My husband wakes up on Sundays and says ‘Hey, are we going to church today?’ It just makes [waiting] all worthwhile. I dated guys who did not share those same beliefs and it was hard. There were many nights of heartbreak and crying, and that’s not what God wants for us.
But if you want to be celibate, definitely don’t live together [laughs] because that makes it harder for you. Have people around you to keep you accountable! Surround yourself with people who support your decision, because they’re only going to root you on. Make that covenant with God and with each other and just let go. God is going to see you through the difficult times. Whenever you’re feeling discouraged just pray together. Like I said it’s not going to be a perfect journey, but you just have to keep God the center of your relationship.
If anyone of you have had the chance, although it can be a bit draining the show Tamar & Vince is quite entertaining. These two love eachother to death, but they are no holds barred when it comes to dealing with their relaitonship. Below Tamar & Vince do an interview for Rollingout. Check it out!
Let’s talk about the show, “Tamar and Vince.” What goes through your head when you’re watching the show?
Tamar: Before it airs, Vince and I both have to see [it], because we are both executive producers and we are very much … involved. There is nothing wrong with having integrity and enlightening people with class, and making sure that we don’t do anything to embarrass ourselves, our marriage, or the businesses that we are both involved in.
Vince, you have a proven track record in music. Tamar is ready to put her album out now. So what’s keeping her album from being released?
Vince: There is no big thing holding us down. I just think when you’re making any record, you want to make sure you did the best job. So when we put the record out, it represents what she stands for, what my record label stands for, and make sure she puts her best foot forward. You want to make a great album and you want to take your time and really make sure that you choose the right songs, and try to make sure that it’s something that your fans will love. You don’t want to throw something together and throw it out there and it’s horrible. That’s not representing myself or her. I wanted her to really have a good shot at what she is trying to accomplish.
Tamar, you have been doing music all your life. What’s going to make your album really stand out?
Tamar: I really don’t think about anybody else. That’s not because I want to be cocky or because I think I’m better than anybody else. I don’t want to get caught up in what everybody else is doing. I just make sure I do the music that I’m proud of, and music that I feel like I want to portray. … You know the music that I believe in, and it has nothing to do with anybody else. I don’t look at my music career as I want to be better than Brandi or Monica. We are all great singers in our own right. We’re talented and that’s just the bottom line. They do what they do, and I do what I do.
I got a chance to see all of the show’s episodes and I must admit, the show is entertaining. On one episode, Tamar you were upset that Vince played a song in front of Mindless Behavior that you were going to put out, but it was without your vocals. What upset you about that moment?
Tamar: Well. The first thing is that it caught me off guard. I just didn’t get it. I had no idea and still don’t have an idea of why he didn’t play my version of it. He said he didn’t have it, but he wanted them to hear it. I was just caught off guard. If he would have just told me in advance, I wouldn’t have had an attitude about it.
Vince, during the moment she said she was caught off guard. Why didn’t you play the version with her vocals on it?
Vince: I didn’t have that version at that particular time. And I just wanted the kids to hear her music and get excited about it. It wasn’t that serious, though.
During another segment, things got out of hand during dinner because of an Instagram picture. An argument occurred and you guys didn’t even finish dinner. How did it get to that point?
Vince: Tamar is just a jealous girl. Tamar always gets mad over something dumb.
Tamar, were you jealous at that point? Why did you get upset?
Tamar: I got upset because I asked him a specific question. Riding in the car going to dinner we were talking about Instagram because I like to Instagram
Tyler Perry inspires me! and I'm a woman. His story from coming from nothing to this mega super star, who owns most of his stuff just gets me going. Check out his new sexy look in Men's Magazine this month. Tyler Perry will be starring in the new movie Alex Cross, can't wait to see it....Also find out how Tyler got his sexy back with the new bod for the movie.
As you know Brandy's long awaited album was released today "Two Eleven". I have to say I am very excited for her, because I grew up on Brandy. I could remember the biggest heart break I had, I got through because of the Brandy album "Never Say Never". So although I am jacking this interview from one of my favorite bloggers, I know that you all will appreciate it because many of you love her too. So check out Brandy's interview with Miss Necole Bitchie herself. Below Brandy really lets it all hang and she discusses our favorite topic love. I like Brand too because she's emotional like me too!
Necole: Your album is almost here, how are you feeling right now.
Brandy: I’m excited, I’m nervous, I’m scared, and this is a very special project to me. It’s a project that I really believe in but at the same time, I would love for it to touch people the way its touched me, and reach as many people that it can reach. I’m so nervous about it, but I am also excited about it.
N: Would you say its one of your most personal albums?
B: Well, All of my albums are personal, I don’t really sing songs that I don’t really relate too, but I will say that this album shows so many different sides to who I am as a person. I’m very vulnerable on this album but at the same time sexy. In love, It’s the story of love and how it comes in different phases and transforms you in different ways.
N: I was reading the tracklisting and it sounds like chapters out of a love story or like you are taking us through the different stages of a relationship, its like ‘So Sick’ and then, ‘Let me go,’ “Now I’m Hardly Breathing’ and ‘Wish Your Love Away‘..
B: It’s the story of love. We all go through different things with love especially when we are with the wrong person, things can get out of hand and it leaves you with these crazy dark feelings because you have such a love for a person but you can’t figure it out because he’s not acting right. So it takes you through all of that and it’s not just my album, its everyone’s album because I feel like everyone can relate to it.
N: You have been in the music industry for almost 20 years and honestly, there are people that do not realize that you have sold over 30-40 million records worldwide. Sometimes with artists like yourself, you have to reintroduce yourself to a new generation. What has that been like for you?
B: Well this time wasn’t a challenge for me, because it just didn’t seem forced. It seemed as though I got into the studio and I was able to create something different but not so different where people who loved my music and have been following me wouldn’t be able to embrace it. This time around, it felt natural and authentic. When I first put out the ‘Put it Down’ song, it took a minute to catch, but I knew that it was something special about this return. The previous times I tried to come back, it was kind of difficult because I didn’t really believe in the music that I was doing, I didn’t really believe in the videos that I was doing, so it felt forced and like, if I don’t believe it then no one else is going to believe it. This time, it felt like it was the right time, I had the right team. It feels like I’m a new artist just rediscovering myself, its so much fun.
I’m just in a place where I’m just thankful for everything. So many times when I was a kid, I didn’t really have the chance to be appreciative of what was going on around me. Every moment now is just like, ‘Wow, Thank You’. This is amazing; God has been great to me. I have to be patient with God too, you know. Sometimes he says, ‘look you are not ready for it now, I can’t really grant your request right now’, but now its like, this is what I’ve been praying for for years, My return to music in a way where I believe it and feel good about what I am doing.
One of my favorite records off of ‘Two Eleven’ so far is ‘No Such Thing As Too Late’ which is about waiting until the time is right to be intimate with someone. What made you choose that record?
B: Well the melody in itself, its just such a beautiful melody and then the lyrical content, it just really shows women their worth. A lot of us, we try to rush into things, we think being intimate with a person will make the relationship go faster or bring about the commitment but if it’s real love, you can take your time. If the person really loves you, he doesn’t mind waiting and being patient. The longer he has to wait; he respects that or cherishes what he has.
N: It’s really interesting nowadays that people put so much emphasis on sex and how ‘it better be good’ rather than focusing on connecting with a person on a deeper level.
B: I actually believe the connection in itself will bring beautiful intimacy, I definitely think that God created sex for people that have that connection first, being in love and that spiritual connection before you even go there. A lot of people can have great intimacy but don’t know how to connect with each other. They don’t know what to talk about and don’t share any communication with each other. I think it’s great to get to know a person before you even share the icing on the cake.
N: Over the years, you’ve been in your share of public relationships and you are not afraid of hiding it. Do you think that has helped your relationships in any way or made them more difficult?
B: I don’t feel any affect at all from being open. I think that the relationship is between me and my guy as long as everyone isn’t in your business. I don’t mind sharing that I’m with someone or sharing things that other people can relate to but at the end of the day, my relationship is not really out there. No, I’m not on reality TV in a relationship, that’s when it can get a little bit difficult, because everyone would have an opinion on what you should be doing in your relationship…but, nobody really knows my dude like that, no one knows what we do on a day-to-day, so it doesn’t have any affect on us.
N: What were a few qualities that initially attracted you to the person that you are with?
B: [Ryan] was really quiet so that made me more interested in what was going on in his mind. Of course, right away, I was attracted to him, I just couldn’t figure him out, and he was challenging and mysterious. Then when I really got a chance to get to know him, I realized that we shared a lot of the same things in common like we were both very family oriented, he loves his mom which is a great thing and he had a lot of respect for me and he really loves music as well. We just connected, and I started feeling like I could talk to him about everything, I started to like who I was around him, I felt very beautiful around him, very sexy. When I introduced him to my daughter when I felt the time was right, I mean she just feel head over heels for him. My family loved him. My mom didn’t have one problem. My mom usually looks for something to be wrong just in case you got something up your sleeve, nobody is going to mess with her baby type thing. She didn’t have any of that. My brother ….My cousin who I am really close too, they are best friends now. It’s just weird how everybody, and me as well, we’ve all just kind of embraced him and he’s just a part of the family now.
N: Was there ever a moment when you realized ‘this is my soul mate’?
B: Yes, I’ve had moments with him where I am reminded that this is the person that I’m supposed to be with. If life stays on this path and we keep building our relationship and stay connected then it can go as far as it’s supposed to go. The main thing is, I just want to be honest all of the time and want to be a good friend to him and the same him to me. I think being great friends is what has been missing for me in the past; I wasn’t focused on being great friends in other relationships that I’ve been in.
N: As women we always want to rush into things. I remember someone telling me, ‘I want to focus on our friendship’ and sometimes when you are a woman and you hear that it may feel like you are being rejected, but its really true and that’s where honesty and respect really comes from.
B: I think respect comes from being great friends as well. Ryan and I before we even spent any time dating; we spent most of our time on the phone because he lived in New York when we first started talking. We were on the phone all of the time.
Necole: You talked on the phone? See, we are in a text message generation…
Brandy: I read your post on guy’s texting and it was so interesting because he didn’t do that in the beginning and I was like okay, I noticed that. I’m like okay look I’m old school, I like to talk, I like to laugh and share, I don’t want to be texting nobody because sometimes you can take texting the wrong way and don’t know a person’s tone. I don’t have time for texting all of the time, let’s talk.
N: What is the biggest lesson you have learned from love so far?
B: I think love is a beautiful thing. I don’t regret any of my experiences with love but I will say that one of my biggest lessons has been patience. You have to be patient with love. If you are committed, you have to hang in there through the rough times as well as through the good times. That’s all a part of your growth with love. So many of us are quick to leave when it’s bad or say, ‘I can’t take it anymore’ or ‘I don’t want to be with you’ and that kind of thing.
You have to give someone a chance. You have to compromise and be understanding. If you are really in it, be in it and go forward. You have to really treat this person like they are a part of your family. You can’t just walk out on your kids or your mom, your dad, well some people do, but I wasn’t raised like that, so I don’t just walk out on my family when things get bad. You are suppose to stick with it. I finally found the person that I want to stick with it with. Whatever the circumstance, I want to try to work through it.
N: I’m curious, what are you listening to right now?
B: I’m not currently listening to anyone right now honestly because I am really listening to me. I’m in rehearsals everyday for the upcoming shows that I do have. I have tunnel vision right now. I know I love ‘Adorn’ by Miguel, I love ‘Ice’ by Kelly Rowland, I love Keyshia Cole’s song ‘Enough of No Love’ but I am not really listening to anyone in my iPod right now. Its just ‘Two Eleven’ right now.
N: Speaking of Keyshia Cole, I saw her on Ustream last year and she mentioned she wanted to do a duet with you for her new album..
B: I’m so mad that it didn’t work out. She did reach out to me and I was down with it, I don’t know what happened, maybe the timing wasn’t right but she is an incredible artist and I am just happy to see her back doing her thing. It’s just great to see another artist that comes from the R&B foundation, she’s out here doing her thing and I am so proud of her and proud to keep her company. Us coming out around the same time, both repping that genre, it just feels good to have more people on board.
"For her feature in Harper’s Bazaar with images shot by Terry Richardson, the mag details how Oprah Winfrey starts her day.
Rihanna graces the uber fabulous pages of VOGUE. What better way to show her style, glam and edge. Check out what she had to say in the interview about not finding a DATE!!! Ummm really... I'm having a little trouble these days as well, but somehow I don't think Rihanna shares the same problem. Then again weirdo things are happening huh!. I wonder what happened the night she was at the Barclays with Chris........
This actually is starting to be one of my favorite couples. You know, the ones you imagine your relationship probably being like one day, if not anything but at least on paper. Keyshia Cole and Daniel Boobie Gibson are the cutest ever, and this month they graced "Jet" magazine. Inside their interview Keyshia talks about how they met, their new drama free reality show, and why they are one of my favorite couples.. Awww I'm sighing........ Anyhoo check it out.
Boobie: Our stylist reached out to me and she told me that [Keyshia] was somebody I should talk to. I was like, ‘That’s [Keyshia Cole]! I don’t mind that, introduce me. So she gave me her email at first and I was real nice about it.And how they began dating…
Keyshia: Which is real crazy because I told her not to. I mean, I really didn’t want to talk to anybody. It didn’t have anything to do with Gib, I just didn’t want to deal with no dudes right then, at that moment. I just wanted to hustle so I was like, ‘how did he get my email’, like that’s not cool.
Boobie: I sent
Boobie: I had a game in La. We were gonna meet up and she told me she was going to be there at like 8 o’clock. 8 rolled around and she wasn’t there. 9 rolled around, 10…. We talked for like three months so at this point, I’m like she’s flaking on me, she doesn’t want no action… but she showed up in a [Rolls Royce]. She pulled up and she hopped out and the rest was history.
Keyshia: He was beautiful to me. I mean, I loved his lashes so I was on them lashes but he was sweet. He bought me a little teddy, little sexy thing [smiles and laughs].
Boobie: When I saw her, it wasn’t like groupie love but it was like, ‘Damn, she is beautiful! Like, I’ve seen her on TV, but in person it was different. I knew she was gonna be my wife before I met her from her conversation and her mind.;; jet magazine
Amber Rose and Wiz Klalifa pose for XXL tee-shirt and pannie showing off her beautiful baby bump.
Amber On Giving Birth:
I’m so ready. I’m going all-natural. I’ve decided that I’m going to have an all-natural water birth. No medicine. I want those bragging rights! The next time Wiz has a stomachache or anything, I’ll say, ‘I popped out a baby all-natural.’
Amber On Wiz:
[H]e’s just a genuine sweet guy. And that’s what made me fall in love with him. And I just said, “You know what, I don’t care if he’s a rapper.” I don’t care if people say, “Oh, you’re a gold-digger.” I don’t care if people say, “Oh, you went from one rapper to another,” or whatever. I love him. I don’t look at him as a rapper. I look at him as Cameron Thomaz, not even Wiz Khalifa. I just fell so deeply in love with him, I didn’t care what anyone says.”
Wiz On Getting Together With Amber:
I love my baby. She’s gorgeous and it makes me look even cooler when I show how much I love her to other people… When I met Amber, she loved me for who I was. I had some money, but it was like to pay my bills and literally set myself up for a future. But I was wearing the same camo shorts and high-tops and Chucks. But she liked my swag and she liked me for who I was and I wasn’t afraid of that… She didn’t wanna date any entertainers or anybody in the business. She didn’t know who she wanted to be with, but she knew who she didn’t wanna be with.
Wiz On Recording His New Album With Amber At Home:
I just gotta do it. The most important thing is knowing that she is there and I have to tend to my babies. This is my first child ever in life. I gotta go hard at everything. As hard as I go in the studio, I gotta go just as hard taking care of my baby and making sure she’s alright, and I’m spending time with her and she doesn’t feel neglected.
Read more: Wiz Khalifa, Amber Rose & Her Baby Bump Cover XXL | Necole
Our older man in our heads Denzel Washington graces the covers of GQ, so fitting I guess. 59 year old Denzel Washington has a new movie coming out entitled "Flight" hits theatres November 9. Denzel covers the shoot Giorgio Armani suit matched with a Burberry Prorsum tie and Tom Ford shoes. Denzel Washington discusses his first time catching the Holy Spirit, and how he felt when his friend Whitney Houston passed. Check it out!
Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari-Parker, and have an incredible bond. The stunning married couple recently shot the cover for their ‘Rolling Out‘ magazine feature and looked flawless in the process. Below they discuss how they keep marriage, family, and their bond in tact. Ladies take notes, on what it really takes to make a marriage work. I admire them, because in all of Hollywood's craziness they are still together and flourishing.
On the easiest and hardest part of parenting and marriage
Nicole: Being a parent is the hardest job ever in life. Raising children uses every bit of your being — your heart, your time, your patience, your foresight, your intuition to protect them, and you have to use all of this while trying to figure out how to discipline them. It takes its toll on a marriage as well. The time that should be spent with each other after the kids have gone to bed is usually spent face down, in your clothes, on the sofa with the remote control in your hand. It’s exhausting … but we’ve been married for seven years, and I think that the greatest challenge but also the greatest gift, is understanding that I’m way more capable than what I think I am. You have to work hard not to take your partner for granted, even when you are tired. We have a special needs child, so we also have to get up in the middle of the night and check on her. So, I’ve been pushed to the limits that I thought I had, and I’ve gone beyond those … that’s been the greatest gift throughout this journey with my husband.
Boris: As far as our marriage goes, again it’s all about priorities. We make sure that we put in some sexy time, and we go out on date nights and spend quality time together, because we were here first. Everything else is a reflection of that. If she and I are good, then everything else is good. So it’s very important that we put in the time to cherish each; Rollingstone magazine
Boris On How He knew Nicole was the one
We had instant chemistry, and right away there was an attraction, but it was more on a spiritual level. I knew right away that she was going to be in my life forever. I didn’t know in what capacity, but I just felt that. That just happens when you meet a person that is on the same wavelength. We saw eye-to-eye on so many things. She was open minded, well traveled, and had a great sense of humor — which are all very important to me. The fact that she became my wife was definitely a bonus. It worked because we were friends and liked each other as people first, which is very important in a relationship. You can fall in and out of love, but if you like each other as people, then I think that’s a great foundation to grow a relationship, and we had that, so I’m very lucky.
Nicole, finish the sentence: ‘My husband makes me feel beautiful when…’
Nicole: When he looks me right in the eye.
Boris, ‘My wife makes me feel like the king of the world when…’
Boris: My wife makes me feel like the king of the world when after a long day of working she tells me to put my feet up and cooks an amazing meal for me.
“I’m a better person today than I was before marriage because…”
Boris: I’m a better person today than I was before marriage because my wife makes me a better man.
Nicole: I’m a better person today than I was before marriage because I get to care about one of the greatest human beings on the planet.
YRB: Aside from the actual wedding, what else can we expect to see on Ev & Ocho?
Evelyn: You’ll get to see a different side of Evelyn and Chad. Especially me, since I was on Basketball Wives, which had a lot of cattiness. With this show, you get to see me with my family, and how Chad and I interact with one another. Our show is a family show with a twist. I’m happy that I get to show a different side of me outside of the drama [Laughs].
YRB: Do you feel that reality TV and social media are double-edged swords, whereas they give the viewer or follower an untrue sense of what really goes on in these people’s lives?
Evelyn: I’m huge with Twitter and social networking, but it is a double-edged sword. It can be an amazing tool. In a few months, I sold 1.5 million t-shirts through Twitter. I use Twitter to run my business. But you also have those people that use Twitter to create drama. Thank God for the block button.
YRB: What motivates you?
Evelyn: Besides my daughter, it would be the fans. When I do my book signings, I’m almost always in tears. There’s always someone there that touches my heart. They tell me their stories, and it’s always those stories that keeps me motivated and keeps me going.
YRB: How do you feel about the phrase “role model” being used to describe you?
Evelyn: Until recently, I was fighting to accept the fact that people are putting me in that position. I’m human just like you are. I make mistakes. Just from meeting people at my book signings, I know I have a lot of people that support me. I’m accepting of that now. Knowing I have so many eyes watching me lets me know I need to be a better example for younger children. It’s a little tough sometimes, but now I get it [Laughs].
YRB: What would you like readers to walk away knowing about you?
Evelyn: I have more to offer than what you see on Basketball Wives. I want people to know that I’m an amazing businesswoman, and I’m soon to be an amazing wife. There’s a whole other side to Evelyn the world hasn’t seen, but stay tuned because you will.
Hello Beautiful sits down with Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J. Are Joseline & Stevie J. the new Jay-Z , and Beyonce, or are they dellusional.... Like it or not we're talking about them.
Check out the interview below:
HB: What is it about Stevie J. that keeps you coming back? We’ve seen the package online and we want to know is that the main reason you stay?
Stevie J: You seen it? What it look like?
HB: I have no comment on that. I’m respecting your woman right here. I have no comment on that.
Joseline: Well, that’s all of Steve J and all of Joseline Hernandez. I own all of that right there, that belongs to me. But, I’m not going anywhere it’s not the package that’s keeping me where I’m at, I mean the package is the best thing…one of the best things he got but he’s a f**king genius. That’s what’s keeping me here. The way he thinks. He’s a genius. I’m not going anywhere.
Stevie J: At the end of the day it’s more or less, you know people just see the exterior and see what it is on the surface but they haven’t been with us from the get go. When we first met each other and formulated a great plan and an idea together that would take over the world and the same thought process we have is equivalent to 5 million people between 8 and 10 pm every Monday night. So we’re doing exactly what we planned. God is Good.
HB: How did you both feel about Joseline being called a man?
Stevie J: Let me say something first, I’ve been in this industry for years and I f**k with all the baddest b***hes in the industry. So what would make a motherf**ker think that she wouldn’t be the ultra baddest b**ch in the game?
Joseline: Thank you daddy. I’m beautiful. I’m all woman and I’m more than woman. I’ve never had a problem with anyone telling me nothing like that. I have a fat a**, some big a** fake titties and some long a** weave for they a**. You know what it is, him and I together we’re like creatures, they don’t understand us. They can’t understand it. He’s been in the game for years and they don’t like him and they never will like him cause you know why? he run this sh*t he gon’ forever run this s**t and ain’t nobody seeing him.
Stevie J: We run this s**t. We the now. We the new. We the next. Much props out to Beyonce and Jay. Lil Kim. Alicia, everybody. Listen, at the end of the day we here now, we the new next.
Joseline: And guess what, we not going nowhere baby! We real and this is as real as it gets. Anything else don’t even matter, I’m perfect. And Guess what, my n**ga got the baddest bitch walking the earth and who don’t like it can kiss my a-hole, cause they been kissing it.
HB: How do you feel about having your own Joseline language?
Stevie J: I believe that’s a phenomenon. It’s like a culture phenomenon. For people to retweet a language that they feel is a Joseline language. I feel like ebonics needs to step up with a check and give us that check so we can create the Joseline language.
Joseline: It’s crazy to me cause, I was born in Puerto Rico and I was raised in Miami. So of course when I was like 10 years old, I came to the States. So I do mix my English and my Spanish. But, I write English. I speak English. I write Spanish and I speak Spanish of course. I’m just a talented person, I turn all of that and put it in my music and it just becomes greatness. And if they don’t like it, they ain’t gotta like it and a lot of people like it because they always say speaking in my Joseline voice. It’s funny that I have my own language, I didn’t know I could make up my own language. [sic]
Stevie J: They ain’t gotta like you. They ain’t gotta like me. But they just tell it how it is and we tell them how it might be.
Joseline: Shout out to my Daddy Stevie J. the best that ever done it.
Even though everyone has a whole lot to say about Ms. Joseline Hernandez, she's here, and she's in our faces every Monday night on Love & Hip-Hop. See what she has to say about who she is as she sits down with Check out the interview:
How did you link up with Stevie J?
I met Stevie J at the strip club when I used to dance. And I also knew that I wanted to do music, that I wanted to be a rapper. I wanted to be a singer. I wanted to be an actress. I also knew that and I met him through a friend of his and mine. We spoke. Then a couple of days after, I met him again at the studio, through another friend of mine that was trying to get in the business, and he said, ‘well, I think you should get in the business.’ I was like: ‘I always wanted to get into the business and sing and dance and do everything like this, but I always got fast money in the strip club,’ so I wasn’t really taking my career like I am now. Ever since then, we started working together, and here we are now.
What’s the most surprising thing about Stevie J that Love & Hip-Hop doesn’t show?
Stevie is a ladies’ man. What’s wrong with that? As bad as they talk about him, and he’s this and he’s that, every woman will let Stevie J play them, too. To me it’s a joke. Stevie, he loves all women. He loves women! There’s nothing wrong with that. If I was a man, I would love them too. Believe me. I’m not a man, and I love them, so I can just imagine if I was. He just loves women. But, Stevie’s a good person. To me, he’s a sweetheart. He doesn’t show me anything but being a gentleman. He can be an ass, but that’s everyone. He’s a sweetheart. A lot of people don’t know that about him. Oh, and another thing, he knows how to cook really, really, really good.What’s your favorite dish that he cooks?
He makes some salmon with peppers and onions and — ohh! — it’s so good!
Most strippers are usually pushed to stripping because of their hard home lives or they're out on their own. What was your story and what made you start stripping?
I have five brothers and sisters, and I make the sixth person, and it was my mom and my stepdad, and we left Puerto Rico, came here, when I was around 10-years-old. We really didn’t have any money. I’m talking about one pair of shoes for the whole school year. We were really struggling. So I’ve always seen my parents struggling. And my youngest brother, he has autism, so he doesn’t talk. He’s 14. So they always needed extra money for him. It was always problems, the six of us. My mom didn’t speak any English. She still doesn’t speak any English. She could never find a job, so my dad would just struggle, struggle. I just was like: ‘I have to do something.’ Ever since I was 15, 16, I’ve been taking care of my brothers, my sisters, my nieces and nephews, my mom and dad — ever since I was 16 I’ve been giving my mom money. I’m talking about $600 a month, a thousand dollars a month; if you need food, if you need to pay for the mortgage.I bought cars for them. I’ve done a lot. I didn’t turn to the streets because I wanted to. I've always been a giving person, and I always felt bad for my family, and I feel like I have to help. My real dad, he died of an overdose, so I never really had a real father. I come from a family that’s done a lot of drugs and just did a lot of things. I came out rough in Puerto Rico, in the projects. I just had a real rough life. I really didn’t know what I was doing because I was so young, and I just felt like I needed to help them and myself. I got a brother, he has autism. He can’t even get no medicine. Who’s going to get the money? I have to do that. So that’s what really turned me into dancing. I knew that I didn’t want to do that. I want to be an artist. I want to be a singer. I want to be a rapper. I want to be a model. I want to be on TV, but, at that time, my family was struggling and I had to help.Do you feel like strippers get a bad rap?
Yeah. A lot of people look at strippers like we are the worst. No, no, no. I’ve danced with a lot of girls that their parents have AIDS or their children have cancer. They’re trying to pay to go to college to make a better life for their family and their kids. I’ve danced with some girls that their parents put out at 16 because their parents were on drugs. What are you going to do when you’re that age? What else can you do? I’ve never met a bad stripper in my life. I always meet young girls that are trying to do something with their life. I can say this for a fact: Strippers are not what people make it seem like it is, because we just want to make it like everybody else.
We also wanted to ask you about the naked picture on Twitter thing: would you take that back if you could?
Everything I do I take responsibility for fully. When they were saying ‘is she a women, or is she a man?’ I never in my life heard anything like that. It frustrated me. It depressed me. It drove me crazy to the point that I did that — send a picture of myself, humiliating myself even more, because I allowed people to get up under my skin. These people are the bullies. Twitpic a picture of myself — who does that, just to prove to you that I’m not what I know I’m not?I will never let anybody take me out of character, where I have to Twitpic myself because somebody said I look like this or I look like that.
I would never be able to make everybody happy. How about I make myself happy? And that’s what I’m on right now.
How frustrating was it to hear that people thought you were a man?
It was so frustrating to me because, I promise to God, I’ve never heard that. I’m like ‘Me?’ Me? My perfect face, my perfect body?’ Yes, I got my boobsI Tweeted plenty pictures of me without makeup. I’m a 100 percent woman. My name is Joseline Hernandez, I was born in Puerto Rico. My birthday is 11/03/1986. I’m not going to give ya’ll my social, but I know what I am. is here. My new single, “Bailar,” is here. I’ll be putting some more new songs in there as we speak. I’m working on my workout DVD. I love my body, I love to train. I have my own clothing line coming because I used to own a boutique stand in Dallas. I’m just doing it all. I’m going to have my own Spanish TV show. I’m going to do everything that people say I can’t do. And not because of them, because of me, because I know that is what I was born to do.And I just want to tell the ladies: stop hating. Let’s get together and make money. Let’s all be sexy.
Is your butt real?
Yes, my butt is real. I work out a lot. I’m always doing lunges. You’ll see it, because I know you’re going to go to and get this DVD.
"Terrence J, changed up his game a little by going from host of BET’s “106 & Park” to being on the silver screen. The young star just had a leading role in the very successful film, “Think Like A Man”. It’s no wonder that when asked, he described himself as “very happy”. Everything Girls Love’s sat down with Terrence to discuss his career and life after BET. Peep the excerpts."
On if he’s always wanted to be an actor:
“You know, I’ve always loved entertainment. But, I never knew where my place would be. I can’t rap and I can’t sing, so I never knew where I could fit. Acting has always been something I wanted to do. But, it just seemed so far and out of reach. I never even thought that I could do it, because it was so big. So, every single day now I’m just able to live my dreams. Like, I’m really a happy person and enjoying myself.”On if the film industry welcomed him with open arms:
“I don’t think I’ve been embraced with open arms in anything I’ve ever done in my life. You know, it’s especially hard when you’re a host trying to make the transition because people see you every single day and they just associate you with one thing and don’t want to consider your other talents or yur other aspirations. It was especially hard. Like, I might have gone out on a hundred auditions. The people that are successful in this industry are those that have thick skin and those that are extremely persistent and don’t get offended when they’re told no. It doesn’t faze me one bit… I just keep going.”On if he has any upcoming movie roles:
“I have a small role in “Sparkle”, which comes out this August. It was exciting being on set. I got to meet Whitney Houston! You know, that was devastating when we lost her. I’ve always been a fan of hers, so at least I got to meet her; which was always a goal. But, “Sparkle” comes out next and I have another film called “Battle of the Year”, starring Laz Alonso, Chris Brown, and Josh Holloway from “Lost”. It’s the first 3D b-boying dance movie and we shot it in France. So, it’s a big 3D budget and I think people are gonna love it. That movie is gonna be a lot of fun.”
On what his type of woman is:
“I like a complete woman who’s confident and knows who she is. One of the things I hate is when people say ‘you complete me’. Like, I know it’s a great line. But, I feel like in order for a relationship to work it needs to be two complete people that know who they are and that brings things to the table in order for it to work. You look at powerful couples like Will and Jada, Michelle and Barack, and Jay-Z and Beyonce. These are complete solid people in their own right and when they got together it’s something even;
The entire of politics of how Frank Ocean has chosen to release his album some think is tremendously calculated. He is looking at selling possibly 100k-200k his first week. Could coming out of the closet have done it? Could he have sold just as much without the intimate look of his life?
"Earlier this week, he called into BBC Radio 1 in London for a rare iinterview to discuss his decision to release his album a week early, as well as the recording process of the album and why he is selective when it comes to live performances. When asked if he had planned to release his album a week earlier all along, he responded:
It was actually the plan all along. I kinda wanted to mirror what Jay and Kanye did with Watch The Throne, preventing the leak by staggering the digital and physical dates. My thing was, I wanted all the promotional elements to be, retroactive, but kinda follow the album with the videos and the tour and do everything after. And kinda just let the music speak for itself for a second and not be in a situation where the record leaks. So it was always my plan to drop it ahead of [the physical date] and we [meaning my management and the label] have been going through a lot to make sure it went down seamlessly and it did. So I’m happy it went cool.He also revealed why he is selective when it comes to live performances:
I want to give the best show possible when I can and put myself in a position to just do my best. So if that means a lesser volume of appearances then so be it. I’m in this thing, whatever it is, I hate to call it a game because I take it pretty seriously but I’m in it for as long as I’m allowed to be. It’s not about ‘let’s do a million things right now’. Its about ‘let’s just do our best to do the best things right now’.Meanwhile, Target has been catching flack for their decision not to carry Frank’s album after his rep tweeted that he believed their reasoning had to do with Frank’s admission of bi-sexuality. They released a statement this week stating that their decision was based on Frank deciding to release his album early on Itunes.
“At Target, we focus on offering our guests a wide assortment of physical CDs, so our selection of new releases is dedicated to physical CDs rather than titles that are released digitally in advance of the street date.”His manager also issued an apology via Twitter:
I apologize for my comments about Target. They are not carrying Frank’s album because it went digital first. Not for ANY other reason. … My response was simply an emotional knee jerk reaction. … Stop. Breath. Do the best you can. Be honest. Keep it moving."
Christina Milian has slammed her ex-husband The-Dream for not making the effort to see their daughter, Violet.
The social media correspondent for “The Voice” recently blasted her ex-husband on Twitter on Father’s Day for not spending enough time with Violet and it seems the situation hasn’t changed:
“All I care about is my daughter. When it comes to the case of parenting and having another parent, I really would like for her to have her father in her life,” Christina told 97.9.
“I’m not really happy at the moment and I’m still not in the best place, but I’ve come to the realisation that I have to be 150 to 200 per cent mom for her. And it’s not about finances, it’s about spending time.”
Christina then recalls her own childhood with her father present in her life and says she only wants that for Violet.
“I remember when I was a child being raised by my dad and it meant something to me. He and I had an off time when I was a teenager he left for a while. But he’s back in my life and I’m so thankful because he meant a lot to me and he taught me so much and gave me even that little bit of fear knowing that my dad was there to like not do the wrong thing,” she explained.
“I just would like that for her. But she’ll have that and she’ll have that in someone that will care and love her and she’s so easy to love. That’s the most amazing thing about her.”
How many of us were giving Gabrielle Union the side eye when she hooked up with NFL player Dwayne Wade, shortly after his separation from his wife Siohvaughn Funches?? A lot of us. Below in an interview with TT Torrez at last weekend's Radio One Fest in Miami, Gabrielle talks about how this has really affected her career.
Tamar Braxton covers this month’s issue of PYNK Magazine. The reality star dishes on her marriage, friendship with Mary J. Blige and her marriage.
On when she first realized Vince was the one…
“I wasn’t checking for Vince at first. He and I were friends. But it wasn’t until I found out that he was seeing someone that it hit me. I realized I had feelings for him! When he told me that his relationship at the time was coming to an end, I knew it was my time to make my feelings known. After that relationship ended.. he and I started dating and eventually married.”
On her favorite date spot…
“To be honest, I LOVE Disney Land. Vince and I always have such a good time there. We love going on dates there so much that when we have a little girl, I want to name her Disney.”
On how to keep her man happy…
“I go to bed the same way I did when we first started sleeping next to each other- CUTE! Ladies, I do NOT go to sleep with rollers or a scarf on my head! My face is not completely beat with make-up but it’s not bare either.”
On her desire to start a family …
“I realized I wanted to have a child when Vince was sick in the hospital. I love him SO much and it was such a hard time for me. He is my rock. I was extremely nervous the entire time and I thought if I lost him tomorrow all I would have are photos. And I realized that I wanted more than that. A child would be a living reminder of our love.”
On her relationship with Mary J…
“My sisters are my best friends for the most part but I’m also very close to Mary J Blige. When Vince was in the hosptial she was so supportive. Mary and Kendu are the best. They made sure to check in on me and prayed with me for Vince’s recovery. Mary is such a genuine and kind hearted person I’m blessed to be able to call her a real friend… Not an “industry friend.”
Evelyn Lozada is a freak! During a visit to Kandi Burruss’ “Kandi Koated Nights,” the “Basketball Wives“ star revealed her inner sex secrets, including letting another girl eat her “box!”
Ev, admits that she and fiancee Ochocinco do have anal sex and almost had a threesome!
On Ochocinco cheating:
I care. I’m not going to say that I don’t care, but I’m not going to stress myself to a point that I’m trying to do everything to stop him. Listen, if you want to go and f-ck then whatever, like I’m 36. I’m not trying to stress about that sh-t. It is what it is and I truly feel like a man is going to do what he wants to do no matter what you do.
On if she and Chad have anal sex:
On whether she swallows and tosses salads:
Yes for both but wait let me make something clear; I have eaten a– but not Chad’s a–. His not into that [laugh]
On whether she and Chad have ever had a threesome:
Almost. It didn’t quite happen
On whether the other girl ate her box:
Ev has turned her 15-minutes of fame into an empire. She recently released her first book “The Wives Association: Inner Circle.”;
"Meagan Good and her fiance Devon Franklin looked super cute together this past weekend as they walked the red carpet of T.D Jakes’ 35th Anniversary Gala in Dallas. Before the event, the couple caught up with Sister 2 Sister Magazine to chat about their engagement, as well as the reports that they will not be having sex with each other until their wedding night. Devon expressed that he hopes their union will be an inspiration to other couples, while Meagan said that removing the physical and intimacy from the relationship gave them a chance to really get to know each other and what they were getting into.
Devon: We want our marriage to be one of truth, one of love, and hopefully model God’s love. In reality we’re not perfect. But we are striving to live a life of Christ. We are striving to be an example of what his life looks like on this earth, and hopefully through our union people will be inspired, people will see themselves in us.
Meagan: The relationship is completely different. When you know somebody and you know their heart, it’s not even a question about the physical part of it that comes into play completely later on. You really just get a chance to understand what you’re getting. You don’t just want to be with this person on Friday night, but Saturday afternoon too. That’s just icing on the cake."
Ladies are you inspired????
Read more: Meagan Good And Fiance Speak On No Sex Before Marriage: ‘Hopefully Through Our Union People Will Be Inspired’ | Necole
Check out Nas's interview with Complex magazine. Below is an exerpt from interview. Nas talks about his new album "Life Is Good", his divorce to Kelis- which he explains like a gentleman, and his his daughter Destiny. Lately Nas was caught up in twitter mayhem after his baby mamma Carmen Bryan, thought to express her sour feelings about Nas song about his daughter. You would think these two would have patched things up by now as they were bickering years ago as well concerning her occasional romps with Jay-Z. Read the below:
Esquire: What has been the Twitter response to the Chris Brown remixes?
Rihanna: Some love it, some hate it, some love it but hate that we did it. But the response in the end has been incredible.Esquire: Was that [the recording session] the first time you’d seen him in a while?
Rihanna: When would we have seen each other? We’ve both been working and touring. [changes the subject]. This is really good food
(Esquire: It proved quite a controversial thing.
Rihanna: Well…definitely. Definitely. It caught me a little off-guard to be honest…especially the amount of…negative attention. Because it never occurred to me how this was a problem, you know. It really didn’t.Esquire: Because enough time had passed that it was OK?
Rihanna: I thought people were gonna be surprised that we finally did a record together, but I didn’t see how people could think it was a bad thing, you know? In my mind, it was just music.Esquire: Some people felt it sent the wrong message.
Rihanna: [Angrily] What was that? What message would that be?Esquire: You’d gone back to someone who put you in the hospital.
Rihanna: [Getting angry] Oh really? Did I?Esquire: Well… yes.
Rihanna: Did I? Did I? Did I?
Esquire: You went and recorded with him, yes.
Rihanna: Okay. In a completely professional environment. And on a complete professional note. I mean, if I went back to him [as a girlfriend], then that’s a whole different discussion. And if I ever do, then that’s something that y’all have to talk to me about when – if – that ever happens. Until then, look at it for what it is. I think a lot of people jumped to an assumption that was incorrect and they ended up looking stupid.
Esquire: The assumption you were dating again?
Rihanna: Because of a song. How stupid. If I was together with every collaborator I worked with… fuck my life.
Esquire: Still, the lyrics didn’t do much to dispel that impression. His opening line is “Girl I want to fuck you right now/been a long time/I’ve been missing your body”. You reply: “Remember how you did it/If you still want to kiss it/Then come and get it”.
Rihanna: That was the tone before he was even on the record. You think it was going to be about hopscotch or jump rope?
Esquire: So neither of you for a minute thought “This is going to put the cat among the pigeons”?
Rihanna: I could never see anything wrong with making music.
Esquire: Maybe the thing is that as an artist your personal and private life are intertwined, and you’ve already played on this. The first song you put out after the beating incident was “Love the Way You Lie”, about domestic violence.
Rihanna: Absolutely. But LTWYL was me as an artist working with Eminem as an artist, telling our stories individually. On a track together. I’m lost. I’m confused as to what you’re trying to get at.
Esquire: That it’s hard to separate the person who’s been the victim of domestic violence and the pop star singing about domestic violence.
Rihanna: I know. And that’s how fucked up society is. There’s a lot of shit y’all can’t get over. Y’all holding your breath on a lot of stuff that doesn’t matter. When you realize who you live for, and who’s important to please, a lot of people will actually start living. I am never going to get caught up in that. I’m gonna look back on my life and say that I enjoyed it – and I lived it for me- and God. This is turning into a tacky interview. What do you really want to talk about? I’m not here to [talk] about messy shit.
Esquire: It’s just what’s been making the headlines recently.
Rihanna: OK! So do you want to talk about everything on Google? Or do you want to talk about stuff that my fans want to know? Let’s get to the real stuff. The stuff that’s important.
Esquire: What do your fans want to know?
Rihanna: You tell me, as a journalist. You’re asking the questions and I give you the answers. I can’t give the questions too.
Esquire: I’m sorry it’s upset you.
Rihanna: It hasn’t upset me. It upsets me that you keep asking the same kind of questions about stuff that’s trivial. What’s there to talk about? Are all your questions like that? Let’s move onto the next one.
Esquire: It’s just that you haven’t given an interview for a while. A lot has happened.
Rihanna: You think I haven’t given an interview for a while? I did four this morning.
Esquire: Did they go any better than this?
Rihanna: We’ll see [when they come out] tomorrow.;
This is the first time I’m dealing with a teenage daughter, and it blows me away. I don’t know that you’re ever prepared to be a parent. Once you become one, that’s your responsibility. It’s more like me talking to myself, about how I could have been there a lot more. I beat myself up for not being the best I could be. I would ask her: “Am I a cool dad?” or “Am I a good dad? Did I fawk up?” And she would say, “Nah, you’re good.” That’s important to me because I started as a teen. I was around 19 when her mother was pregnant. My daughter means a lot to me. It’s just a record that came from the heart.
What’s the most important thing that you want to teach your son about women?
He has to have his own life. My experience could be the wrong thing for his life and what’s ahead of him. A lot of older people are giving the worst advice, based on the problems they had. I’m going to need him to tell me what to do. That’s what I’m looking forward to. If I’m here, we’ll talk. If not, he’s going to figure it out on his own. He’ll take his mother’s words, he’ll take my words, and then there’s the truth. Whatever he feels, he’s got to go with his heart, and be a man in every occasion.
I don’t understand how artists get pissed off at people on Twitter. I appreciate a good joke. I mean, who are you? Not to say that people should have the toughest skin, and nothing should bother you… Maybe it’s just my age. I know who I am. I know what I’ve survived, and I know what I’ve done. That isht wasn’t easy. So for someone who doesn’t know anything about that to comment on it, you can’t be mad at them. They don’t know any better.
There was a point where we were trying to hold onto a relationship that was finished. She was pregnant and in the studio while we were recording Distant Relatives, and he would move when the music would come on. That was a great feeling for me, just to have that feeling of family. It ended around the time the record was being done.How has your relationship with women changed, now that you’re older and you’ve been divorced?
There were times when it didn’t bother me, and there were times when it bothered me a lot. There were times when I was thinking, Damn. I had this isht all planned out, and now I’ve failed. That was hard on me, because I don’t like to fail at anything. Accepting that I failed at this relationship—and it was public—messed me up. You ask yourself, How could that person be so cold? And I’m sure she felt the same way about me. It was ugly.
I’m taken aback by the beauty of women. There was a time when I only saw big breasts and thick a$$es. Now, I see the beauty in the subtleties. Those are even better than the tits and a$$. The aesthetics have changed for me.
She might not be the prettiest, but there’s something special about her—
That makes her pretty. No disrespect to women when I say bad b!tch, but my definition of a bad b!tch is not always the video vixens. A bad b!tch can be a younger woman, in her early 20s, but wise beyond her years. It could be a woman in her late 30s, who’s cool as hell, smart, and has great motherly qualities—or has great motivational skills, or is a powerful mover and shaker in her own career.
The title is Life Is Good. Have you gotten to the point where you feel some mastery over your life?
In some ways. In some ways, not yet, but I’m on my way. Financially, there’s plans that I have, that I’m close to accomplishing. The setbacks were my fault. No matter who screwed it up for me, it was my fault for letting them screw my sh!t up.
Believe me I wish things had worked out because I thought Stacey and I were great together. She was my age and we were working it. It was sex-symbol to sex-symbol. But she didn't want to be there. I was disappointed about that. She had some issues. I'm not sure exactly what those issues were. In the end, she and VH1 made a decision.
Yes, there was a disagreement over a scene. And it really wasn't with me. It was with the director. I think it was about 2 or 3AM and we'd been shooting all damn day. Stacey tried to argue with the director about a line. And I'm like: "Girl, if you don't say what the director wants you to say." It wasn't that serious at first, but it went there.It's a bunch of women on the set. We might all be on our damn period at any given point. I just wanted us to move forward. Then the argument took on a life of its own. The show decided to use it for publicity. They just ran with it.
Duane Martin. I introduced him to my ex-husband [former Turks & Caicos Premier Michael Misick], he got buddy-buddy with him and then turned against me. Just recently, this fool Duane up and sold a building he and I bought awhile ago in Los Angeles, without asking...I don't care if we're not friends, just don't try to f**k me in the interim.When I heard about him in the middle of Will & Jada's divorce rumors, I tweeted: sounds familiar. He really aint got enough
Shaniqua Tompkins is the beautiful mother to a 15-year-old son, Marquise, whose father is 50 Cent. Josie Harris is the gorgeous woman who shares three children with famed boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr., they are 8, 11, and 12-years-old. Although these two women are no longer with these men, they did however spend a good portion of time with them, before and after their claim to fame.
Shaniqua Tompkins: It has its ups and downs. It’s a hard relationship to explain. He’s a bitter man, very bitter.
PD: Why is he bitter? Because you tried to sue him for $50 million?
ST: I didn’t sue him, he took me to court for child support, he sued me for defamation of character. The only time I tried to sue him is when he tried to evict me and his son from our home, the home he promised to give me.
ST: Because at the time the house burned down, I was asked in public who I thought burned my house down and I said he (50 Cent) did. When your money’s very long you can pay someone to do something. But that’s still you doing it, you’re just as guilty.
ST: No, because God wants you to forgive. I just had to let it go. Call it Karma, it all comes back. I don’t have to be mean or vindictive; we all get what’s coming to us.
ST: No, I love 50 like a cousin maybe; I’m not in love though.
Josie Harris: Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a d***. I have forgiven him, I’m over it. I did my s***. I’ve hit him over the head with a Tonka truck when I found out he was cheating on me. We had a pretty volatile relationship. Anyone who knows us, knows that. For him to put another ring on another chick’s finger, then come over to my house and try to control me and who I’m having sex with (C.J. Watson)… I mean that’s just him. She ain’t the only one that got a ring. He the ring master, there’s a couple people that got a ring. He’s just about that life. I didn’t deserve the abuse, my kids didn’t deserve to see that. We have gotten into to it before but what was most disturbing is that my son had to get help for me because had no idea how long it was going to last. Floyd’s beyotch-ass friend was watching the whole time as he put his hands on me, he even tried to block my kid from leaving.
JH: He was a friend, we won’t say any names. Somebody in Floyd’s camp, who is very relevant. I don’t even feel comfortable with my kids around him because I think he’s a snake. Any real man that see another man seeing red and putting his hands on a woman should intervene, he didn’t so s***.
I’m really excited to hold this baby. I can’t wait to see what all these kicks in my belly look like on the outside. I can’t wait to kiss him, smell him, play with his toes, sing him to sleep. And honestly I’ve spent so many years taking care of artist now I can take care of something that is all mine (well me and daddy’s).
On what name she has chosen for her son:
It has to be just perfect. And dad and I haven’t found a name that gives us the warm and fuzzy feeling we’re looking for.
If I make an appearance my son will as well. No one will be able to separate me from that lil boy for a while.
To have a respect and love for God.
Lol! Everything. Balancing work with being a mommy, will I be able to breast feed, will I be a good mom, will he get sick, will I always be able to provide for him, what child care will be best, what school will he attend, who will he date…you name it. I’m nervous about it. Lol
What are the key elements to success in that industry or any other industry?
They key element is focus, drive, a thick skin and passion.
A Crown is another or a better term for the word wig. A Crown symbolizes woman as Queens a woman of royalty a woman of power. Hair is spiritual in every form. Wigs have been worn way back in Egyptian times where it was not only used as an adornment but was used as protection during ceremonial practices. Wigs over time have gotten a bad rep and is looked at as comical silly or a bad thing. I work with woman who suffer from cancer and hair loss and have no choice but to wear hair that isn't theirs to restore their self esteem. When a beautiful Crown is customized and created for them their spirit is lifted they feel empowered their beauty restored. They feel like Queens again. We live in a day and age where all woman are seeking options, a restored esteem, freedom and protection for spiritual purposes. This is where the Crown comes in. All woman of every culture wear their crowns
I relax all of the time as my downtime is just as important as my on time..I dance.I travel. I breathe and I read.

Terrell says you double-crossed him. Kita: He's mad at everybody. We were friends first. People forget that. We were friends for 12 years. Terrell is the only client we had where we had a friendship first. The GQ article didn't bother us (T.O. recently did an interview with GQ where he stated he was broke and had no friends). Terrell is typically known for running his mouth, he says things off the cuff, he's mad at the world. It didn't bother us, that article we knew about. So what took you guys over the top emotionally?
Kita: His Wendy Williams interview. We didn't steal anything from him. And he sat on that couch, and said a friend stole some money. People assumed he was talking about us, and he never really stated he WASN'T talking about us. So that's how Wendy Williams made the assumption and went on her after show saying 'Those two girls ripped him off! I can't believe Mo and Kita would do such a thing.' Having an opinion is one thing -- anyone can have an opinion -- but when you state it as fact now you are messing with my reputation as a professional woman. Monique and I have been in this business for over 15 years. Before T.O. And we've worked with artists from Ludacris, to Jay-Z, Mariah Carey, Method Man and more. We worked for Def Jam! So for him to say something like that and not be clear -- that's where we got hurt. We're hurt more than anything. So just to set the record straight, neither of you have ever stolen from T.O.?
Monique and Kita: NEVER!
Monique: We have never! We've never stolen ANYTHING from Terrell Owens. There's been always hills and valleys within our relationship. This isn't the first time Terrell and Kita and I have parted ways with our friendship. Over a 12-year span it's not a big deal. Where the hurt and disbelief came from is he put some things out there, and we know how media puts a spin on things, especially messy media. He was never clear. Why does he think you were going behind his back?
Monique: My biggest issue is that Terrell knows we've gone to bat for him over the years. We've protected him like a brother, like a son. We've stood in the front line an took on war for him. He knows the truth, on The T.O. Show this last season, we sat on his couch in Miami and disclosed there was a friend who stole money! My question to Wendy would be: Why don't you check the facts because you can Google it and it will show you there were court orders and documents, because Terrell had to sue to get his money back. It also was shown on The T.O. Show. Why would he sit on the couch and cry to us about a friend stealing money if it was us that stole from him?!
Kita: When we pitched The T.O. Show six years ago, when there wasn't a ton of reality shows on Vh1, we pitched to several networks, and VH1 took a chance on us. That's how Monique and I became creators. It was our idea. We became co-executive producers because we were behind the scenes doing everything! So were you conducting deals without his knowledge?
Mo: We never brought Terrell in the beginning stages in any deal until it was time to sign on the dotted line and get the real deal going. Because at the time his focus was supposed to be football! There were other shows that we shopped for other people! He wasn't brought in because: A) It wasn't about him, and B) he's playing football. Why bother him until it's something we know is for certain? The paperwork that VH1 legal has shows he is involved in the deal basically for nothing other than his association as our business partner. If he wanted to know the day to day that's a two way street. What he won't say is when we were filming season two, we had a conversation in a parking lot where we talked about coming up with a production company of our own.
Kita: We haven't taken a percentage from The T.O. Show from him directly, or the new movie he's promoting which we got for him. There are some things as friends we let ride. We secured many deals that we didn't talk to him about initially because it wasn't set yet! Everything we do business-wise has always been in the preliminary stages beforehand. We've never excluded him, but we've always been excluded to be honest. We will negotiate for him without having to take money out of his pocket. So let's be fair here. We haven't been on his payroll since 2004! Monique and I are CEOs of our own company. We don't work for T.O., we don't work for Terrell Owens enterprise. We work for our own company. We have other clients! We have Johnny Gill as a client. We have other athletes as clients. Why wouldn't we be making deals for him, other clients and ourselves? Where does your relationship stand?
Mo: We're estranged. Kita: We haven't technically sat down with him, and we need to, and I hope the family circle can get back together. We hope we get back on the same playing field. We love him and we definitely want the best for him. It seems like T.O. has a lot of drama in his life.
Monique Will there be another season of The T.O. show? Or a reality show in some capacity?
Mo: We're very optimistic and we'll know for sure very soon.

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