Royce do as you please... but I think once a liar always a liar. I wish Dezmon would have told you the truth from the beginning before you went all crazy on twitter on his baby mamma. I wish you would have accessed the situation honestly before you had given any response. I wish you would not have written us a letter, because the truth is baby girl you have to deal with this, not your fans. Your personnel life should remain as such and you should make no apologies about doing so. Will Dezmon lie again??? maybe so... Do I suspect you don't want to leave ... yes... Will you leave??? no..... I wish you the best Royce!
After his first appearance on Basketball Wives, Royce Reed‘s boyfriend Dezmon Briscoe shot out front and center because of how perfect he and Royce seemed together, but sadly, they’re actually having some issues this week. Briscoe’s ex-girlfriend (with whom he has a son) just released some “freaky” texts he allegedly sent her as recently as March, and it turns out, they were all real. Last night on Twitter, Dezmon owned up to sending the texts, though he says he never acted on any of them. He tweeted “baby mama wanna be messy so I’ll clean it up. I sent the messages she posted …To be on her good side because she has my son.” He also added “I could of handled the situation better. I’m still wrong and I wanna apologize to @Roycelr because she don’t deserve that. Love you.” Today, Royce wrote to us to reveal what really happened and how she’s coping.
When I was first asked to blog about what just happened in my life, I shunned it. Now, I realize that due to my life being an open book and my “relationship” being on national TV, I should.
One thing a lot of you don’t know about me is I’m a 100% committed to anything I put my name on. In a relationship comes humility. When I decided to do this show I vowed to be open, and honest about all aspects of my life that I could. I’m human! I don’t portray myself to be anyone I am not. I go to the grocery store in sweats and sneakers like everyone else. Because I’m on TV doesn’t mean I don’t hurt or that I don’t go through the same trials and tribulations as everyone else. We, Reality Stars, are put in a very vulnerable position when we sign up for these shows. No matter what we go through, the good, the bad, the ugly, when we walk outside we get recognized and judged. I’m not going to put on a front like I’m okay. My heart hurts.
Do I think Dezmon loves me? Yes! Do I think what he did was wrong? Absolutely. Are we done…forever? Honestly, I don’t know. Readers can say I’m dumb if I go back, but with relationships come mistakes. I was lied to and lesson learned…I entertained it on Twitter. I let the drama get to me despite being told to ignore it. That was my immaturity in this experience coming out. I admit that. Yes, I’m embarrassed, humiliated and broken. But I’m strong. Regardless of what happens I will be okay. Do I love him? Yes. Is that enough to stay? At this point, no. I entertained the mother of his son because I trusted what I was told and I stood by him as I should have. Was I the fool? Yep! Do some find it funny that I have egg on my face? Sadly yes, but that means they are lacking happiness and love in their own lives hence them basking in another person’s hurt. Ignorance is bliss but it’s also dangerous.
As far as the logistics go…”At the end of the day” (Jen voice) he will not be with her. So the rant she went on and my responses change nothing for her life. Not only do I look like a fool in love, but she looks like a bitter, jealous and angry “Baby Momma.” That’s worse. Fact is, they were never an item. They were never a couple. But for just under a year, she has been angry that he has been with me. Her twitter name was @dezbriscoejrmom…That was her identity. If you go thru her page (she obviously wanted followers and a platform, so I’m giving it to her) you will see how angry she was that we were together. She spoke about the cruise we went on, him saying he loved me, wanted to marry me, etc. If she didn’t care, why talk about it? If you didn’t watch the show, why do you know every minute of our scenes as if you were commentating? I’m sure she wonders why she was never “the one” to marry but just “the one” to do before he met me. I can’t imagine what Dezmon is feeling right now because, again, I was with my son’s father for four years despite the drama we are going through. So I can’t imagine having a child by someone who never claimed me or never had me front and center at some point. My son puts a smile on my face everyday so no matter what happens I know as long as I’m a good mother that in itself completes me when he wipes my tears, I clean his boo boos, and I get that hug and kiss.
Open letter to Christina…
Do you feel better about yourself? Denying a man his child through texts (why didn’t you post those?) because he is with someone else. Stating in direct message he will never see his son, or that I will never meet him, that you’re going to file for custody when you’ve had several court order that had to be given to you for you to “let” him see his child never looks good to a judge. Trust me! When you have proof on your side you have nothing to worry about. That’s why I can be worry free. You on the other hand, shouldn’t be. The position you just put yourself in, I hurt for you as a mother because you have pretty much signed away your son. I dread that court date for you. I tried to speak to you respectfully on DM and you just “didn’t get it.” I tried to HELP you. But your jealousy got the best of you. Now you’re asking for an apology? For what? For ruining a relationship you were jealous of because he didn’t want you? You still lost. I feel sorry for you.
To my readers,
Thank you for the outpouring of love. To the hecklers, what life have you lived to find this funny? It’s so sad that we now live in a world where love is frowned upon and marriage is no longer taken as a life long vow. We live in a world where it’s funny to see someone hurt and heartbroken. I’m a hopeless romantic and I’d rather be a fool that’s happily in love than a depressed soul that has no heart. Will Dezmon and I work things out? I don’t know. Up until 4 AM I’ve heard tears, apologies, and I’ve seen humility. Maybe this is a mistake that he needed to learn from. Maybe this is a mistake that caused him to really realize what he had. Yes, he sent them but no, it didn’t happen. I’d be dumb to base the status of my relationship based on my followers who have never seen us outside of a camera and TV show vs. what I’ve heard from HIM, his MOTHER, his AUNT, his FRIENDS, his TEAMMATES, and even MY MOTHER AND FATHER. You will see some emotional moments between my dad and I but for the first time ever, he believed this man loved me. Coming from someone married 41 plus years I believe that, and like he told me last night, forgiveness comes when proof of love is given by actions not just by words. Its up to me whether it actions are enough to walk thru the storm.
There you go! Open, honest, bare and undisguised! That means REAL! I’m Outtie!
One thing a lot of you don’t know about me is I’m a 100% committed to anything I put my name on. In a relationship comes humility. When I decided to do this show I vowed to be open, and honest about all aspects of my life that I could. I’m human! I don’t portray myself to be anyone I am not. I go to the grocery store in sweats and sneakers like everyone else. Because I’m on TV doesn’t mean I don’t hurt or that I don’t go through the same trials and tribulations as everyone else. We, Reality Stars, are put in a very vulnerable position when we sign up for these shows. No matter what we go through, the good, the bad, the ugly, when we walk outside we get recognized and judged. I’m not going to put on a front like I’m okay. My heart hurts.
Do I think Dezmon loves me? Yes! Do I think what he did was wrong? Absolutely. Are we done…forever? Honestly, I don’t know. Readers can say I’m dumb if I go back, but with relationships come mistakes. I was lied to and lesson learned…I entertained it on Twitter. I let the drama get to me despite being told to ignore it. That was my immaturity in this experience coming out. I admit that. Yes, I’m embarrassed, humiliated and broken. But I’m strong. Regardless of what happens I will be okay. Do I love him? Yes. Is that enough to stay? At this point, no. I entertained the mother of his son because I trusted what I was told and I stood by him as I should have. Was I the fool? Yep! Do some find it funny that I have egg on my face? Sadly yes, but that means they are lacking happiness and love in their own lives hence them basking in another person’s hurt. Ignorance is bliss but it’s also dangerous.
As far as the logistics go…”At the end of the day” (Jen voice) he will not be with her. So the rant she went on and my responses change nothing for her life. Not only do I look like a fool in love, but she looks like a bitter, jealous and angry “Baby Momma.” That’s worse. Fact is, they were never an item. They were never a couple. But for just under a year, she has been angry that he has been with me. Her twitter name was @dezbriscoejrmom…That was her identity. If you go thru her page (she obviously wanted followers and a platform, so I’m giving it to her) you will see how angry she was that we were together. She spoke about the cruise we went on, him saying he loved me, wanted to marry me, etc. If she didn’t care, why talk about it? If you didn’t watch the show, why do you know every minute of our scenes as if you were commentating? I’m sure she wonders why she was never “the one” to marry but just “the one” to do before he met me. I can’t imagine what Dezmon is feeling right now because, again, I was with my son’s father for four years despite the drama we are going through. So I can’t imagine having a child by someone who never claimed me or never had me front and center at some point. My son puts a smile on my face everyday so no matter what happens I know as long as I’m a good mother that in itself completes me when he wipes my tears, I clean his boo boos, and I get that hug and kiss.
Open letter to Christina…
Do you feel better about yourself? Denying a man his child through texts (why didn’t you post those?) because he is with someone else. Stating in direct message he will never see his son, or that I will never meet him, that you’re going to file for custody when you’ve had several court order that had to be given to you for you to “let” him see his child never looks good to a judge. Trust me! When you have proof on your side you have nothing to worry about. That’s why I can be worry free. You on the other hand, shouldn’t be. The position you just put yourself in, I hurt for you as a mother because you have pretty much signed away your son. I dread that court date for you. I tried to speak to you respectfully on DM and you just “didn’t get it.” I tried to HELP you. But your jealousy got the best of you. Now you’re asking for an apology? For what? For ruining a relationship you were jealous of because he didn’t want you? You still lost. I feel sorry for you.
To my readers,
Thank you for the outpouring of love. To the hecklers, what life have you lived to find this funny? It’s so sad that we now live in a world where love is frowned upon and marriage is no longer taken as a life long vow. We live in a world where it’s funny to see someone hurt and heartbroken. I’m a hopeless romantic and I’d rather be a fool that’s happily in love than a depressed soul that has no heart. Will Dezmon and I work things out? I don’t know. Up until 4 AM I’ve heard tears, apologies, and I’ve seen humility. Maybe this is a mistake that he needed to learn from. Maybe this is a mistake that caused him to really realize what he had. Yes, he sent them but no, it didn’t happen. I’d be dumb to base the status of my relationship based on my followers who have never seen us outside of a camera and TV show vs. what I’ve heard from HIM, his MOTHER, his AUNT, his FRIENDS, his TEAMMATES, and even MY MOTHER AND FATHER. You will see some emotional moments between my dad and I but for the first time ever, he believed this man loved me. Coming from someone married 41 plus years I believe that, and like he told me last night, forgiveness comes when proof of love is given by actions not just by words. Its up to me whether it actions are enough to walk thru the storm.
There you go! Open, honest, bare and undisguised! That means REAL! I’m Outtie!
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